business vehicle wraps in new jersy

Everything you need to know about Vehicle Wraps in New Jersey

In the ever-evolving landscape of advertising and brand promotion, standing out from the crowd is the name of the game. When it comes to making a bold statement and ensuring your brand gets noticed, custom vehicle wraps are the ultimate canvas. Located in the heart of Montclair, New Jersey, Competitive Signs specializes in the art of crafting custom vehicle wrapping that transform your vehicles into moving billboards. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll explore the dynamic world of custom vehicle wraps, understanding what they are, their design possibilities, the cost involved, and how they have become a powerhouse of advertising and brand promotion.

Vehicle wrapping is a valuable investment for any car owner. It gives your car a stunning look and increases brand impressions every day. However, there is still a lot of misinformation about installing and maintaining vehicle wraps. Let’s embark on a journey through the world of custom vehicle wrapping, uncovering their significance, design possibilities, and the unique craftsmanship behind these rolling masterpieces.

1. What you need to know about vehicle wraps:

1.1. What Are Vehicle Wraps?

Vehicle wraps are large vinyl graphics or decals applied directly to the surface of a vehicle, covering the paint or existing finish. These wraps can be customized to feature virtually any design, from simple branding elements to intricate, eye-catching graphics. The result is a visually stunning transformation of the vehicle’s appearance.

1.2. The Impact of Vehicle Wraps

Vehicle wraps New Jersey are not just a means of beautifying vehicles; they are powerful tools for brand promotion. They turn ordinary cars, trucks, or vans into moving billboards that grab the attention of passersby, creating a lasting impression and driving brand recognition.

1.3. Benefits of Custom Vehicle Wraps

Custom vehicle wraps offer a wide range of benefits, including 24/7 brand exposure, a cost-effective advertising solution, and the ability to reach a diverse and widespread audience. They also protect the underlying vehicle surface, preserving its resale value.

1. Vehicle wrapping does not damage the vehicle

business vehicle wraps

A lot of people while searching for “business vehicle wraps New Jersey” are curious about its effects on the vehicle’s body. However, if the vehicle already has chipping paint, dents or rust patches, they will get peeled away with the vinyl. That said, according to experts, for a brand-new vehicle in its best shape, adding a layer of vinyl will retain its sheen. It protect your car, bike, bus or truck from sun damage, scratches and peeling paint.

2. Vehicle wrapping last for a very long time

Designers for vehicle wraps New Jersey recommend people get their business vehicle wrapped. They serve a dual benefit – by protecting your car’s external health and supporting your brand’s presence in the market. Moreover, a good vehicle wrapping when taken care of properly – cleaning, keeping it away from direct sunlight – can last for at least 5 years.

vehicle wrapping

3. Your insurance can cover your vehicle wraps

business vehicle wrapping in new jersey by competitive signs

It may seem like an unnecessary luxury. However, they are valuable enough that most insurance providers cover them. Most of the insurance providers cover the 3M vinyl wrap. All you need to do is furnish them with an invoice that mentions the expenses incurred and the date of wrapping. It is better if you inform them as soon as it’s done so they can update your insurance policy regarding the same.

4. You can switch or remove your vehicle wrap whenever you want

Good quality vehicle wrapping are applied for the long term and are very similar to tattoos. However, this in no way means that you cannot change or remove them. A high-quality vehicle wrap can be easily peeled off with some heat and a touch of patience. Moreover, premium vehicle wraps are designed in a way that they do not leave behind any residue on your vehicle.

vehicle wrap

2. The Art and Craft of Custom Vehicle Wrap Design:

2.1. Vehicle Wrap Design Process

The design process for custom vehicle wraps involves careful planning and attention to detail. It begins with a consultation to understand the client’s branding and messaging goals. From there, the design team works to create a concept that aligns with the client’s vision and captures the essence of the brand.

2.2. Innovative Materials and Technologies

Innovative materials and technologies play a pivotal role in custom vehicle wrap design. The use of high-quality vinyl and advanced printing techniques ensures vibrant colors, sharp images, and long-lasting durability.

2.3. Custom Vehicle Wrap Ideas

Custom vehicle wrap ideas are limited only by creativity. They can range from simple yet elegant branding to intricate and eye-catching designs that tell a story. Custom vehicle wraps offer endless design possibilities to suit any brand or message.

3. Understanding the Cost of Custom Vehicle Wraps:

The cost of custom vehicle wraps can vary based on factors such as the size of the vehicle, the complexity of the design, and the type of vinyl used. While there is an initial investment, the long-term benefits of brand exposure and the protection of the vehicle’s surface make it a worthwhile investment.

4. Custom Vehicle Wraps: A Creative Canvas for Brand Promotion:

4.1. Custom Car Wraps

Custom car wraps are a fantastic choice for personal branding, businesses, and organizations. They offer a mobile platform for delivering brand messages and creating visual impact wherever the vehicle goes.

custom car wraps

4.2. Custom Truck Wraps

Trucks, with their larger surface area, provide even more room for creative expression. Custom truck wraps can be bold and attention-grabbing, ensuring that your brand doesn’t go unnoticed on the road.

4.3. Custom Vehicle Wraps for Businesses

Custom vehicle wraps are an excellent branding tool for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small local shop or a national corporation, wrapping your vehicles with your brand’s identity can significantly enhance brand recognition and promotion.

5. The Power of Brand Promotion on Wheels:

5.1. Mobile Billboards: Turning Heads on the Road

Custom vehicle wraps New Jersey transform your vehicles into mobile billboards that move through your target audience, ensuring maximum brand exposure. This mobile advertising solution helps your message reach potential customers in various locations.

5.2. Impactful Brand Messaging

The impact of custom vehicle wraps goes beyond just visibility. These wraps allow you to convey a powerful and memorable brand message. Whether it’s a slogan, a call to action, or a striking visual, custom wraps help create a lasting impression.

5.3. Reaching a Wider Audience

With custom vehicle wraps, you can reach a diverse and widespread audience. Your brand is no longer confined to a fixed location; it travels wherever your vehicles go, expanding your reach and increasing brand recognition.

6. Custom Vehicle Wraps: Designing and Printing Perfection:

6.1. The Role of Innovative Design

Innovative design is the cornerstone of custom car wraps. It’s about creating an eye-catching visual representation of your brand that resonates with your audience. Designers work closely with clients to bring their ideas to life and ensure that the final wrap aligns with the brand’s identity.

6.2. State-of-the-Art Printing Technology

State-of-the-art printing technology ensures that custom car wraps meet the highest quality standards. Advanced printers and high-resolution images deliver vibrant colors and sharp details that make your brand stand out.

6.3. Quality Assurance and Durability

Custom vehicle wraps undergo rigorous quality assurance to ensure durability and longevity. High-quality vinyl materials and proper installation techniques result in wraps that can withstand the rigors of the road while maintaining their visual appeal.


Custom vehicle wraps are more than just advertising; they are a dynamic and creative form of brand promotion. Whether you’re a business owner seeking to boost your brand’s visibility or an individual looking to make a statement, custom wrapping offers a powerful and visually stunning solution.

At Competitive Signs in Montclair, New Jersey, we understand the art and impact of custom wrapping. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and creativity ensures that your brand gets the attention it deserves on the road. Elevate your brand with Competitive Signs, and let your vehicles become the canvas for your brand’s success. Contact us today at or +1-973.783.1001 and let us drive your message to new horizons!

Office Indoor Signage Your Company Needs

An impressionable office is one that takes care of the little things. While a majestic exterior can enrapture your clients, walk-ins and employees, the office interior will decide whether they stay. A free coffee counter, comfortable seating and helpful office indoor signage are some things that help build trust and loyalty.  Each sign adds value to the customer’s perception of your office’s quality of service.

Office Indoor Signage You Can Use in Your Company:

Different kinds of office signage serve different functions within a workspace. You can pick a logo for the reception, graphics that talk about company values, and ADA signs alongside directional signs to optimize navigation within the office. If you are still unsure about the importance of indoor signage in your office, here are some signs to consider:

1. ADA Office Signage

ADA Office Signage

The current ADA regulations require work-spaces to incorporate disability-friendly signage. The compliant signage specifically needs to be installed in washrooms, elevators, parking spaces and in areas that indicate floor numbers. Ensure that your ADA-compliant indoor signage facilitates access to all spaces within the office without much fuss. Keep in mind that the ADA has further regulations regarding dimensions, placement and type of braille to be used that need to be followed as well.

2. Cut Metallic Office Indoor Signage

Cut metallic indoor signage brings class to your office. The sleek metal design is perfect for installing logos at the main entrance and even at the reception. They help create an edge over other businesses with their sheer elegance and sharp look. Apart from that, you can consider other indoor office signage for your lobby. It could be your tagline under the logo, your company’s growth statistics or its best reviews. Make these in metal or acrylic depending on the space available and your design goals.

Cut Metallic Office Indoor Signage

3. Exciting Wall Graphics

Exciting Wall Graphics

Nobody likes a monochromatic office. The best offices are decked in fun colors and exciting wall graphics that talk about the brand’s values. Apart from that, you could also put up motivational quotes, an employee of the month features, niche statistics and so on to make things fun around the office.Lastly, add interesting facts about your city, workspace or professional field to convey your love for what you do.

4. Office Signage to Indicate House Rules

Every office space has its own rules that the employees and customers need to follow. Use interior banners to convey these rules wherever necessary. Along with this, the banners can also be used to indicate work anniversaries, customer appreciation, targets achieved, office events, holidays and so on. However, it is important to place them wisely in order to avoid cluttering the office.

Office Signage to Indicate House Rules


Take a look at your office space and assess its aesthetic and functional appeal. You can go a step ahead and ask your employees and customers for feedback too. Office indoor signage might feel unnecessary to someone who knows the company like the back of their hand. However, for most outsiders, every tiny office sign counts and contributes to their impression of the company. Different signs serve different functions and it is important to assess and install office signage that you feel your company needs. Contact Competitive Signs at or +1-973.783.1001 for all your shop signage needs.

Why is Shop Signage for Retail Industry Important?

The first thing anyone notices about retail stores is their shop signage. While a large chunk of the retail world has moved online, curbside stores have their own charm. However, in a crowded market, a well-designed sign is the only thing that is bound to get your store noticed. One way to identify good shop signage is that it is clear with its service, promotes its name in bold and retains a clear design. If you are a retail business owner, there are many reasons why you need to understand the importance of shop signage for retail industry.

Importance of shop signage for the retail industry:

Retail shop signs vary in size and design depending on the purpose they are meant to serve. You could have flag banner signs, floating banner signs, window graphics, pylon signs and so on, based on your location and budget. Each of these signs serves a unique purpose and can be collectively used to attract more footfall. However, before you consider investing in shop signage, you need to understand its importance in the retail industry:

1. Attracting a heavy footfall with shop signage

shop signage

A good retail shop sign is eye-catching and will attract passer-by attention. You could take it a notch higher by installing digital shop signage or neon signs for aesthetic appeal. Regardless, your retail signage needs to talk about how you can help potential customers and why they should choose you. You could have a primary sign that displays your business name, services offered and contact details. Apart from that, install specific signage for flash sales – these can be banner signs around malls, window signs or vehicle wrapping signage. Together, they enhance reach to a larger range of target audiences and consecutively increase footfall to your store.

2. Building trust within a business through a retail shop sign

retail shop sign

Shop signage does not just serve to attract consumers, but also helps you retain them. You could install friendly retail shop signs that help customers navigate through the store or give them additional information about your niche. For instance, if you own a clothing store, you could have signage that points to different aisles. Apart from that, install banner signs within the store that recommend potential outfits to customers. Take it a step further by creating digital signage recommending outfits of the day, color pairing ideas and so on. This way, you help make the customer’s shopping process easier and in turn gain their trust and loyalty.

3. Creating an identifiable brand

shop signage

The best businesses have a brand identity that can be recognized from miles away. For instance, a shirt with a pattern in blue, yellow, green and red will instantly remind you of Google, even if it’s not explicitly mentioned. Shop signage helps a retail store have an identity outside of its store space. A good brand will have loyal customers that will seek it wherever they go. If you have or plan to set up multiple stores in different locations, having a singular brand identity will make identification easier.

4. Secondary marketing through shop signage for the retail industry

shop signage for the retail industry

Digital marketing continues to garner importance in the world of advertising. If you are a business with a bigger budget, you might prefer investing in online advertising. However, as a retail store owner, consider investing in offline shop signage too. This can add that extra push to all your marketing efforts and enhance your brand’s overall reach.


Being a retail store owner in the growing digital world might seem daunting. However, the charm of offline stores is not lost and there are consumers who still prefer to interact physically with a business. The most important thing to consider is shop signage for the retail industry – investing in plenty of offline advertising to increase footfall in your space. You don’t have to settle for less when you can go all the way in and market your business well. Consider your needs and assess your target audience – where are they on a Friday evening, for instance? These locations can serve well in setting up shop signage for the promotion of your product/service. Winding up, good signage can really boost footfall and sales for any business, provided you know it and understand your audience well. Contact Competitive Signs at or +1-973.783.1001 for all your shop signage needs.

Shop Signage

How many types of shop signage does your business need?

A lot of business owners believe that simple storefront signage is enough to attract customers. However, if you want to grow your business’ reach, opt for multiple signage. Different types of shop signage can serve different functions for your business. They could expand your reach, give your store a more aesthetic look or help build a loyal customer base. Depending on your budget and marketing goals, you can pick shop signage that works for your business.

Types of signage for any business:

There are six major ways to amplify your business through shop signage. Firstly, you need to have storefront signage. Consecutively, you can choose between custom awnings, banner signs for stores and vehicle wraps. Here are some tips on how to pick the right store signage:

1. Storefront Signage for businesses

Storefront Signage for businesses

The storefront signage that you use contributes to your business’ identity. It is the first thing they see when they reach a store. Having said that, make sure not to clutter them with too much information. Emphasize your business’ name in a large font, what it does in a smaller font, and its location and contact details at the bottom.

2. Custom Awnings

Custom Awnings

Custom awnings for shops can help add an aesthetic charm to your business. Moreover, if you own a hotel, cafe or book store, they can help create additional al fresco sitting spaces. Apart from that, awnings also help shelter your windows and doors from extreme weather conditions such as dust storms or heavy rains.

3. Vehicle Wraps for Advertising

Vehicle Wraps for Advertising

Vehicle wraps are a great way to increase your business’ offline reach. Their design and longevity also make them a budget-friendly choice. However, it is important to not de-clutter the vehicle wrap design. You want your advertisement to be noticed and understood by people even when the vehicle is in motion. So use large images, bold fonts and crisp messages to make a real impact.

4. Custom Banner Signs

Custom Banner Signs

There are two types of custom banner signs for shops that you can consider – standing banner signs and flag banner signs. You could opt to put these up in places with heavy footfalls such as malls, gyms, local markets, cinema halls and so on. Banner signs are small and can be made catchy with the right color scheme and design.

5. Pylons, Monuments and Interior Signs

Pylons, Monuments and Interior Signs

Pylon signage and monument signage for businesses are some other ways to be noticed. Due to their large size, they are ideally placed on highways where they are visible from great distances. Pylons and monuments can help point people to your business and give them a quick brief on what you do. Apart from that, you can also add some interior signs for customer support which can contribute to boosting loyalty.


A business does not need to only depend on online marketing to generate sales. Custom shop signage can go a long way in helping you reach your audience. You can choose between banner signs, awnings, pylons and monument signage to give your business that extra push. Contact Competitive Signs at or +1-973.783.1001 for all your shop signage needs.

Interesting ways in which you can spruce up your safety signage

Businesses often forget to cater to customers with disabilities. Whether it is making special parking spots, building ramps, or creating more wheelchair-friendly infrastructure, business establishments tend to get complacent. As a result, they miss out on business with potential customers. By law, all businesses are required to fulfill the guidelines provided by Part 3 of the ADA regulations, but some businesses get by doing the bare minimum. 

By distinguishing yourself as a business that cares and with a little help from the years of expertise in ADA Signs, with Competitive Signage you can make your business more accessible and inviting to all customers. 

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, business establishments and places of employments should have signs that comply with the ADA regulations to make these places more accessible for people with disabilities. Non-compliance with these regulations is met with hefty fines and prosecution, so it is best that businesses invest in installing ADA Signs to make these places more friendly for people with disabilities. 

Here are three ways in which a business can spruce up their safety signs while making sure they are compliant with the existing guidelines:

  • ADA Signs for people who are visually impaired need specific customization as they cannot process glare or reflection very well. By making sure that your signs have a non-glare finish and that it is easily legible for all visitors, you are making sure that your ADA signs are compatible. However, this rule only applies to indoor signs, and signs for parking or traffic needn’t comply with this rule. Spruce this up by using a premium matte finish material and make sure that the background and characters are glare-free. You can also have ADA Signs on wood-carved templates for a quaint, distinguished look. 
  • Make sure that all aspects of your business establishment are disability-friendly. This is an important consideration if you are looking to level up your safety signage game. Consider restroom signs, room signs, building, and elevator signs when thinking of sprucing up the ADA Signs. Make sure that the signs are highly contrasted- either white on a black background or the reverse. You can also use other contrasting colors. Increase the accessibility by adding braille elements on your signage- this makes it more accessible for visually impaired people. Our experience tells us that customers most definitely appreciate this empathetic effort in kindness and support! 
  • When deciding on ADA Signs for your business, make sure that you are catering to a wide audience. Have ramps installed wherever necessary, make sure that all entry points have ADA signs that accurately guide people of disabilities in and out of your business establishment. Some people with disabilities also have service dogs that accompany them, so having a sign that says ‘your establishment is pet friendly’ can go a long way in communicating to your customers that you care. 

Customers will appreciate your empathic efforts of making your business more accessible and you can definitely expect higher customer satisfaction with this gesture. With years of expertise and testimonials from hundreds of customers, Competitive Signage caters to ADA signage needs of varied business establishments and industries. Through years of expertise and highly qualified staff ready to work with all the latest technology and tools, be assured that your business will not only be ADA compliant but a distinct example for all other establishments.

Contact Competitive Signs today – or call us at +19737831001 for the best signage service all over New Jersey!