Top Signage Trends to watch out for in the Healthcare Industry

The world is getting back to normalcy again, albeit with a few restrictions. However, it’s still important to remember that the virus hasn’t gone away completely, and we still need to be responsible as citizens. The healthcare industry, as we all know, has been overwhelmed over the last couple of years. Thus, it’s even more important now to spread awareness and educate the public about health and safety, reducing the enormous workload for healthcare staff. For the same, signages can come in rather handy. Read on to know about the top signage trends in the healthcare industry and how they’re helpful in today’s time. 

Health Guidelines

Even after things start to go back to normal and the pandemic somewhat ends, the constant reminders to wear your masks, wash your hands and keep sanitizing, are here to stay for a while. Signages are a great way to keep reiterating this important information. One more important point that can be covered by these signages is how to know your symptoms. Since the symptoms of Covid-19 are ever-changing as are its effects, it’s highly possible that signages will come in handy to communicate better with the crowds. And this may not be limited to just Covid-19- in fact, this could be useful for season flu breakouts, other infections and more.

Overview of Healthcare Services

To reduce human interaction, signages will serve the purpose of giving out all the information you need. From reminders to make regular appointments with your doctors to the facilities and services a particular hospital/clinic or center offers, everything can be easily and efficiently conveyed through signage boards. This will help the healthcare system regulate its staff and burden them less with coming in direct contact with patients. And will almost all the information clearly put in one place, the patients, too, will find it easier to navigate through hospitals, clinics, or other healthcare centers.

Awareness Campaigns & Advertorials

From fundraisers to awareness campaigns about various initiatives, signage boards can be of great use to communicate with your audience. It helps directly because those whose attention you may want to grab will be gathering at your center. With smartly placed signages, they’re likely to want to know more and act in the right direction. Similarly, they can be a fantastic source of revenue generation in case you want to advertise about specific brands that are potentially of great use to the crowd you’re catering to. Some may call this old school advertising but as they say, old is gold! 

Now that you know all these amazing trends, adopt them in your marketing strategy and you might just land up with a success story.

Need signages? Give us a call us at 973.783.1001 or drop in an email at

Don’t make these mistakes with signage!

Putting up a sign to let people know about your business seems like an easy task, doesn’t it? Creating a message in an attractive design can’t be that complicated. Unfortunately, this task is not as easy as it sounds. Where will your logo be? What font will you use? What colors represent your business? How are you going to keep it short and crisp? Where will you place it? These are some of the questions that you need to answer before you get your signage in place. In this blog post, we list down 5 common mistakes made by brands (both small and large) while creating a signage. Bookmark this for future reference!

I. Choosing the wrong color

There’s a lot of thought to be put into the color of the text on the signage. While you do have a set of brand colors, you need to ensure the text on your sign in legible too. A pro tip to keep in mind here: always choose a color or finish that will stand out against the background color without looking too gaudy. Opt for contrasting colors.

II. Choosing an illegible font

This one goes without saying. Your text needs a font that makes it easy to be read. It may be tempting to choose a fancy font, but is it easy to read from a distance? Does it match your brand style? People won’t stop to squint at a hard-to-read sign. Even if it only takes a few seconds to read the text, that these days is too long. The size of the font is also important. A passer-by will potentially see your sign and be interested only if it catches their eye. Bigger letters will extend that time frame by making the sign visible from a distance.

III. Writing a long message

Your potential customers are not going to go out of their way to read your sign. In fact, your ad needs to seek your customer. It is important to get your message across in as few words as possible. Less information will allow you to use larger letters, but it will also make your sign more accessible and legible. Your sign will also look clean and appealing.

IV. Incorrect installation of the signage

You’ve designed your sign and kept all the above factors in mind. Now it’s time to install it in the neighborhood. Ensure you hire the right team that will take care of proper installation. Things like security, visibility at a great location and protection during bad weather are some of the pointers a good, professional installation team will keep in mind.

V. Using the wrong material for the signage

The primary consideration should be whether the signage will endure all the weather conditions it is exposed to. If you’re in a sunny region, ensure that you use fade-resistant ink. If you’re setting up the sign in a wet climate, use waterproof ink and material. Use vinyl or even acrylic paints in coastal regions.

Having a stellar physical store front or office can speak volumes for your brand’s image. If you’re in the market for a business signage design expert, give us a call us at 973.783.1001 or drop in an email at

Absolute Must-Haves for A Good Sign

Okay, so you have a business, and you want to do everything you can to make it reach a wider audience? And having signage is one of your hero ideas? Well, you’re on the right track but a signage can only do so much if it doesn’t have these three important elements in it. What are those? Let’s find out!

Design & Aesthetic

What’s a good signage if it doesn’t grab the attention of the audience in the first look? When designing a good signage, ask yourself whether-

> the colours are too flashy or pleasing to the eye?

> is the font clear, big and the right size to read or would a person have to squint to see?

> are there design elements indicative of the business and is the brand’s logo out there clearly?

If your design doesn’t do the trick, there’s very little chance a person will actually stop, stare, and read what you’ve written. Make sure you’re adding all the magic design elements in here because remember, great aesthetic results in higher probability of the signage being noticed.


Now that you’ve got the design in place, what do you actually want to tell the audience? The signage should be treated like a clever advertising copy- short, witty, and sharp. You want the person to enjoy the content while still having a clear takeaway about who you are and what your offerings are. For example: “Making realty a reality” would be an intelligent copy for a realtor who’s selling good yet affordable housing to people. A great tip to know whether your copy works or not is to test it on different cohorts of people and understand their reactions.

PS: don’t get carried away with smart copywriting and forget about vital information such as your contact number. You don’t want people to be left wondering about how to connect with you.


It would make no sense for you to have great signage in an environment that doesn’t have any use of it. Your signage needs to be friendly with its surroundings and placed in an appropriate location in order to catch the eye of your target audience. Additionally, your design needs to be in tandem with your surroundings, so it doesn’t look completely out of place. Make sure that the functionality, positioning and placement of your signage is in compliance with the environment around so that you can get the best and the most optimum results.

TOP 3 Reasons Why You Need Advertising Signs For Small Business

TOP 3 Reasons Why You Need Advertising Signs For Your Business

It is important for all businesses to promote their offerings; however, it is the advertising signs for small business that need to pay extra attention to market their products and services. The small businesses don’t always have a large budget to spend on billboards, traditional media, digital media, the works. And this is where signs come in useful- they are a quick, targeted. And an affordable way to promote a business to the local audience.

Think of signs as a type of silent salesperson for your business. While the exteriors draw attention to your place of business, interiors help customers understand your offerings. And it is the advertising signs for small business that help in communicating both to your customer, directly!

Signs can be of many types and can be grounded, mounted and even mobile. For businesses with limited marketing funds, signs are a cost-effective form of promotions. If you are a small business signs reading this. Here are some things that you should consider while setting up your advertising goals.

I. A good advertising sign for small business will help spread awareness

A good advertising sign for small business will help spread awareness

A sign is one which shows all the details about your offerings in a clear, and easy to understand manner. Once this sign is displayed. It would be an effective way to create brand awareness in your local neighborhood/market.

If you have some short-term marketing goals or seasonal discounts or even sales to offer, advertising signs for small business are a great way to promote your offerings in your local market.

II. A good advertising signs for small business will give you a competitive edge

 A good advertising signs for small business will give you a competitive edge

It all boils down to the design of the signage: as a small business you must ensure that there is no scope of miss interpretation and that the information is clearly and concisely written down on the signage.

When there is so much competition in the market, a good advertising sign for small business will not only help your audience understand what you are trying to offer, but also help in great brand recall. What is important here is to ensure that the quality of the signage that you display is top-notch.

III. A signage is a great way to build a brand identity

A signage is a great way to build a brand identity

It all boils down to the design of the signage: as a building up on our previous point. A signage is a great way to build brand recall provided the designs are created keeping in mind the brand’s visual identity. A sign is a part of the brands visual tone. Which is why it’s important to maintain uniformity of colors, fonts, etc.

At the same time, one must ensure that the language isn’t complicated – you don’t want to lose a potential customer because they couldn’t comprehend what you were trying to say. Banners, posters and even vehicle wraps can be great examples of signage that your brand can use for the local market.

If you have been considering this marketing decision, we highly recommend investing in a good signage in Clifton. If you need help in a advertising signs like LED neon signs, trade show signs, etc. for small business, we’d love to chat! You can call us at 973.783.1001 or drop in an email at